Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

Bunch of TEDx talks!

So excited this morning!

Wanna share several TEDx videos I've been watching for the past several days. Constantly. 
(Even my youtube recommendation's filled with TEDx videos now haha.)

For any of you who don't know TEDx already, I will try to explain it to you.


Well.. actually. Just read it for yourself here, the entire A to Z about TEDx.  (This page will be full of TED's definitions if I copy-paste those wikipedia article here, right.)

Basically, TEDx is an independent program under Sapling foundation with the slogan of "Ideas worth spreading". It consists different speakers. Brilliant speeches and orators are spreading wonderfully weird here. 

There are so many brilliant speeches I've been watched that is so inspiring and wonderful. 
You know, some speeches are based on years on researches, years of experiences, years of training, etc. 

All of that knowledge that they've been doing, that took them literally years to get, we could get it instantly through 5-20 minutes of speeches. 

Isn't that amazing?

Like, hell. We could get any information that we wanna get so easily right now, apparently. 
No need to take doctoral programs in Harvard when we wanna know the outcome of the student's research. 

Ah, what a wonderful world to life with such heavenly access to almost everything and anything nowadays.


Here are some of the TED talk I've been watching and has inspired me the most.
I hope they could inspire you too.

1. Draw your future, take control of your life. 

This magnificent speech was brought to you by Patti Dobrowolski.

She convinced you the power of a dream in a whole different perspective. 
Well, at least for me. 

She told us to have the courage to think about the situations that we would want to get and then pouring it into a drawing.

Because apparently, our brain are designed to responded better to informations that we got from pictures.
This is why drawing out our dream is really important for us in order to actually making it to the realization of our dream. 

She gave us some kind of drawing patterns consist in our current conditions and the situations that we would wanna get in periods of time.

This is the pattern.

You have to write your own dream, your own goals, and then fills out the big 3 steps that you have to follow through in order to realize it.

Watch it. it will be worth it. 

2. Your Body Languange Change Who You Are. 

Another magnificent. Wonderful. Funny. Interesting speech from Amy Cuddy. 

(I'm not the only one who think of that, because she got millions of viewers in youtube.)

This speech's core is basically about her research in Harvard university that shows that when we are faking our body languange to be somewhat powerful and dominance, we could actually feel powerful. 

Yes, even if at first we were faking it, we will eventually become it. 

"Fake it until you become it." is one of the catchphrase in this speech. 

Interestingly, this catchphrase is related to not only the powerful and dominance attitude, but could be apply to basically all the good things we wanna do imply to ourselves. 


Good orator/good speakers.

Even good leaders. 

We could actually make it, even if, at first, we were just faking it. 

Ah. This speech is so good I could never explain it beautifully enough for you guys, you have to watch it for yourselves. 

Other things that was mesmerized me was the way she ended her speech by talking about her own experience in which we all could relate on some point of our life : 

Felt like "we don't belong here."

It was teary and heart-touching story, one of the thing that's (apart from the amazing core speech)  making her got standing applause when she was done talking. 

Actually, there are many more amazing speeches that I've watched but I can't explained it all to you guys due to character long and time and everything.

But don't worry, I got you the lists. 

Want to sound like a leader? Start by saying your name right | Laura Sicola 

Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen

Anyway. Welcome to TEDx!
And good luck making your dreams come true. 

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